I love you Nadeera..
I still remember the feeling when Maktok placed you in my arms, that night you were born. Well, 6 years ago that is. I can't describe it with any words there is in this world. You are truly a god-send, Alhamdulillah... Allah saved you, so I can know the joy of having you in my life. Allah the Most Merciful…
We were in a very long labor; I was induced early in the morning of 27th August 2003. A long wait started. In the early phase, I could still hear your constant heart beat from the monitor, but towards the later phase, sometimes I couldn’t hear you. I was worried, but I didn't know much then, it was my first time. At around 9.00pm the doctor finally decided for us to go under the C-sect. I wasn’t ready for a C-sect, so I decided to be under GA. When I was finally awake, I didn’t feel your heavy body on my tummy anymore. Papa was by my side, waking me up. Then, I was pushed into the room and I still had not seen you. I was still drowsy though.
The next chance I get, I asked Maktok “Mana baby?..” So, Maktok went and picked you up from your little bed and placed you in my right arm. There you were. Eyes closed, all cozy wrapped in a blanket. You were a big baby, I can still feel your weight on my arms, I can still smell your hair, and I can still feel the softness of your cheek. You just sleep and didn’t make any sound. And Nadeera, later in your life, if you see a mother with tears while holding their newborn baby, never asked why (as you always do)? Believe me, that tears is just because.. because you are beautiful, because I finally get to see you, because you were sleeping so comfortably, because you are finally out, because you are my daughter, because I finally get to see the arms and the legs that has been poking inside my tummy, because your hair is short you look like a boy, because you smell so nice as a baby always do, because you are all that I dream of.. because of everything there is in a mother’s heart..
Alhamdulillah, you survived. You were tangled with the umbilical cord around your neck, circled twice, and were very tight; as the doctor said. Alhamdulillah is all that I can say for everyday of your life…
Mama love you Nadeera, so much!