Monday, March 08, 2010

Well wishes for my kids..

Often at night times, I am somehow inclined to look back at what I have done through out the day. Mostly, my attention will be around my kids. If I have spent enough time with them, if I have teach them anything good today, if I really Iistened to them telling me their stories... Sadly, honestly, I feel guilty. At the end of the day, when my kids are already sleeping, I realized how I should have spend my day today. I should have let Nazrin come and sleep with me, it's his request that I said 'yes' to, but because I wasn't really listening, he ended up sleeping in the other room. Well there are too many things that I could have done better today but I didn't. Too bad the day is already over. The kids are already asleep. And I am at this position, the same as any other nights before.. Feeling guilty..
Well, tomorrow is a new day. Let's try again tomorrow, try harder. I should get some sleep in order to function properly, shouldn't I?! :-) Ok, sleep now, let's cook some good breakfast tomorrow morning!!


e-ni said...

tomorrow is a better day... thanks for coming..!